Ангилал: Нийтлэл
Namkhainyambuu.N: I was cured of tumor at the end of the treatment
We have talked to one of the patients staying at Manba Datsan Hospital, Namkhainyambuu.N. –How long have you been staying at Manba Datsan Hospital? -Since the beginning of this year. I have been having pain in my right leg and can no longer walk, as aЦааш унш…
Vajrapani saved us all from great danger and blessed us
From the book “Land of Vajrapani” written by Khanba Lama, Doctor of Medicine, Natsagdorj.D I would like to tell a story that happened to me a while ago, that I have been sharing with my close friends and students for the past few years but I felt aЦааш унш…
Benjamin Johns: The documentary about Khamba Lama is ready and is great!
A movie producer from England, massage therapist, professor Benjamin Johns, producer Konstantin Pavlidis, producer Gerry Vasbenter came to Mongolia last year to film documentary about Honored Medical Doctor, Khamba Lama Natsagdorj.D from Manba Datsan monastery. Benjamin Johns says that the documentary has been shortlisted at various festivalsЦааш унш…
Khamba Lama Natsagdorj.D: Various kinds of disorders can be inflicted by water spirits
Traditional Mongolian medical texts contain chapters on disorders associated with water spirits and Honorary Medical Doctor, Head of Manba Datsan hospital, Khamba Lama of Manba Datsan Monastery Natsagdorj.D talks about causes and the remedies of such disorders. –Mongolians talk about water spirits, but they may not knowЦааш унш…
Өдөр бүр арван эрих маани уншвал та болон таны үр хүүхэд долоон үеэрээ дорд муу заяанд төрөх аюулаас гэтэлдэг
“Ум” хэмээх үг маш гайхамшигтай ид шидтэй, үлэмж их эрчим хүчийг өөртөө агуулсан гэдгийг АНУ-ын Калифорны Их Сургуулийн хэсэг эрдэмтэд 1995 онд тусгай дохионы маш нарийн мэдрэмж бүхий багажаар хүмүүсийн хэл, яриа үгэнд энерги байдаг эсэхийг судалж маш сонин нээлтийг хийсэн юм. Өдөр тутмын ярианы хэдэн мянга, түмэн үгийг хэлэхэдЦааш унш…